You press the. Button thats on the bottom left of the screen then click the edit town button ther click the house unfilled and select the house find the right size lot.
Vice City
Vice City
- Populated
- Populated
Alpine County
Alpine County
- Populated
Los Aniegos -IP Edition
Los Aniegos -IP Edition
St Claire
St Claire
New York City
New York City
Alpine Meadows
Alpine Meadows
New Twinbrook
New Twinbrook
- Populated
Angel City
Angel City
Mayfield Springs
Mayfield Springs
Sunny Isles
Sunny Isles
2016 Sunset Valley
2016 Sunset Valley
Falls Cove
Falls Cove
- Populated
Palm Shadows
Palm Shadows
Cladbridge on Stowe
Cladbridge on Stowe
Beach City
Beach City
Cape Garner
Cape Garner
Legacy Island 3
Legacy Island 3
Mesa Grande
Mesa Grande
Geothermal Lakes
Geothermal Lakes
Sao Paten
Sao Paten
- Populated
Al Medina
Al Medina
Red County
Red County
Vice City
Welcome to Vice City! Many of you will be familiar with the hugely popular Grand Theft Auto series. For those of you who enjoyed playing Vice City (or maybe jus...
The Sims 3 Setra Description: Modern Egyptian seaside city with sprawling suburbs and surrounding sandy hills. Creator: Pyronium3 Stage: Finished Requires: ...
Alpine County
The Sims 3 Alpine County Exclusive to The Sims Catalog Description: Large American seaside city with suburbs, golf course, forest, countryside and mountains wi...
Los Aniegos -IP Edition
The Sims 3 Los Aniegos -Island Paradise Edition Description: A sprawling sun-soaked metropolis full of fame, fun and rush hour traffic. In a city with glitz an...
St Claire
The Sims 3 St Claire by Awesims Description: Situated on a peninsula, St Claire has fantastic sea views in almost every direction. There are 3 distinct areas t...
New York City
The Sims 3 New York City Description: Large world based on New York City in the USA. Creator: Daniel Stage: Finished Requires: Custom Content: Lots (sep...
Alpine Meadows
The Sims 3 Alpine Meadows Description: Lakeside town nestled in a valley of mountains and thick alpine forests. Creator: Cink Sims Stage: Finished Required: ...
New Twinbrook
The Sims 3 New Twinbrook Description: A remake of Twinbrook updated for all the expansion packs, minus Into The Future. Creator: Minasavenue Stage: Complete...
Angel City
The Sims 3 Angel City Description: Angel City is another Sims 3 Californian inspired world by Costerboi, based on the GTA V map of Los Santos (Los Angele...

Mayfield Springs
The Sims 3 Mayfield Springs Description: Large lively town nestled near the foot of a mountain and its river Creator: Ryph Stage: Finished Requires: Custom Cont...
Sunny Isles
The Sims 3 Sunny Isles Description: Miami style island with bustling art deco district and tropical coastal city. Creator: LeeLoo Stage: Complete Requires:...
2016 Sunset Valley
The Sims 3 2016 Sunset Valley “8 years after Sunset Valley was built, The mayor wants to make Sunset Valley becomes a metropolitan city…he develops...
Falls Cove
The Sims 3 Falls Cove Description: A remake of SIms 3 Base Game Sunset Valley. Creator: leetamme Stage: Finished Requires: Custom Content: None Store Conte...
The Sims 3 Riverside Riverside is a large-sized city world that has several distinct neighborhoods, each with a distinct flavor and feel, so there is somethin...
Palm Shadows
The Sims 3 Palm Shadows Description: Tropical Island Paradise for the Sims 3. Creator: Cink Sims Stage: Beta Requires: Store Content: Sunlit Tides C...
Cladbridge on Stowe
The Sims 3 Cladbridge on Stowe Description: Cladbridge-on-Stowe is a small farming village full of history, beauty and peaceful country living. Creator: doubl...
The Sims 3 Praaven Description: The world is set during the mid-14th century in a small portion of the duchy of Thallia, namely near the city of Praaven. Other...
The Sims 3 Dubai by Nilxis Description: Replica of the city of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for the Sims 3. Creator: Nilxis – See more world...
Download Modern House For Sims 3
Beach City
The Sims 3 Beach City Creator: Rflong7 Stage: Complete Requires: Store Content: Lots (see Rflong7’s post here to see which items)...
The Sims 3 Fairhaven City Description: Large metropolitan sea side city with sprawling suburbs in a Californian terrain. Creator: Monsoon Creations Stage: C...
The Sims 3 Dronningslund Description: Formerly the home of the royal family and an important strategic location, the city of Dronningslund has a rich and visi...
The Sims 3 Bridgewood Description: Small Californian seaside town surrounded by redwood forests and mountains. Creator: aaronrogers8i3 Stage: Complete Requi...
Cape Garner
The Sims 3 Cape Garner Description: Cape Garner Islands is based on some of the islands off Vancouver Island. Pacific coastal north west USA/Canada area. Creat...
Legacy Island 3
The Sims 3 Legacy Island Description: Medium size legacy island containing everything you need from all the Sims 3 EPs. Creator: rflong7 Stage: Complete Requir...
Mesa Grande
The Sims 3 Mesa Grande Creator: aaronrogers8i3 Stage: Complete Requires: Base game only =) To find out more and download the world, visit aaronrogers8i3â€...
Sims 3 Oakwood I present to you, Oakwood! Welcome to Oakwood. This small forest town lies beneath the mountains and the lake of Oakwood. Surrounded by nature an...
The Sims 3 Houses
Geothermal Lakes
The Sims 3 Geothermal Lakes Description: Icelandic inspired world with steamy lakes and rivers Creator: Cink Sims Stage: Finished Requires: Custom Content:...
Sao Paten
The Sims 3 Sao Paten Description: São Paten has been called many things- the Cidade Espetacular, the City of Peter, the worst crimespot in South America (200...
The Sims 3 Elmdale Description: Located in a valley of a small river flowing into the sea with a temperate climate which is suitable for every season. Creat...
The Sims 3 Entworld Description: Mystical medieval world with forests and a large lake set within a mountain range. Creator: Suum Sim Stage: Beta (unfinished...
Al Medina
Download House For The Sims 3
The Sims 3 Al Medina Description: Three cities of this desert pulsate with life; locals bustle through vibrant marketplaces, tourists luxuriate in Moroccan ...
The Sims 3 Strange Town Description: It’s a mixture of all the Strangetowns from the PC, DS, GBA and PSP and will include sims from each version. This isnâ€...
Red County
The Sims 3 Red County Description: Los Angeles inspired world with large downtown, suburbs, seaside town and farming communities. Creator: Coasterboi Stage: ...
Showing 1–33 of 6927 results