Rift + Touch Now Available in a New All-in-One Bundle. Oculus Blog|. You can order your Rift + Touch today from oculus.com. The new all-in-one bundle will also be available wherever Rift is sold. With Lone Echo and Echo Arena hitting the Oculus Store next week and amazing games like Brass Tactics, From Other Suns. If you’ve bought and set up new Touch controllers for your Oculus Rift, you’ll receive Robo Recall, Oculus Medium, Quill and Dead and Buried in your Oculus library for free. If you can’t find your free games, try restarting the Oculus app. Build your app with an existing game engine, either Unity or Unreal Engine. Download your app once so the Oculus runtime is aware of your app.
Oculus has announced a hefty discount on its Rift VR headset and Touch controllers. For a 'limited time only,' the headset, two touch controllers, two sensors, a remote, an Xbox One wireless controller, and a connector for guitar controllers compatible with Rock Band VR can be purchased for £399/$399. Ordinarily, this would cost around £600.
Best Buy Oculus Bundle

As detailed on the Oculus Rift website--where you can order the headset--the bundle also includes seven free games which unlock when the Rift and Touch controllers are set up. These games are Lucky's Tale, Medium, Toybox, Quill, Dead and Buried, Dragon Front, and Robo Recall.
Oclus Cant Download Game From Bundles
Naturally, you'll need to have a PC capable of supporting VR and the Oculus website provides details on recommended and minimum PC specifications for the Rift.
The £200/$200 discount brings the price of Oculus Rift and Touch controller bundle roughly in line with Sony's PlayStation VR. Valve and HTC's Vive remains the most expensive VR headset at close to £800/$800.
Oculus has been building on Rift's feature set since the headset was released. On May 26 it updated the Oculus App to introduce full room-scale capability and improve tracking for setups with three sensors, which is a requirement for room-scale VR. Additional sensors are currently available for £60/$60.
A few games on Oculus that benefit from room-scale are Rec Room, Onward, and Arizona Sunshine. The HTC Vive launched with room-scale capability with the tracking of its lighthouse sensors but, as mentioned above, is still the most costly consumer VR solution.
Nvidia and Oculus VR partnered to offer an introductory virtual reality bundle to gamers looking to step into the virtual world. When you buy an Oculus Rift headset and Oculus Touch controllers alongside an Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti, 1070 or 1060, you get three games for free.Oculus Game Store
The three games that have been put up for this promotion are the time-bending shooter, SuperHot; the psychological thriller, Wilson’s Heart, and The Unspoken, a spellcasting, wizard dueling game set in a mysterious version of Chicago. All games are compatible with the Oculus Rift and offer a great introduction to virtual reality gaming for new buyers.
Bear in mind that you need to buy through one of Nvidia’s retail partners to take advantage of the deal. Currently, only Amazon and Newegg have signed on, so if you want to secure your free games, make sure you use one of them for now.
There is a wide range of bundles to choose from, though. Because Nvidia is offering the free games with a variety of hardware, you can buy a relatively cheap GTX 1060 alongside your new headset and qualify for all the free games, or opt for a brand new laptop. The most expensive bundle right now is the ROG Strix 17.3-inch gaming notebook with a GTX 1070, but you don’t have to splash out several thousand dollars if you don’t want to.
Some of the bundles are limited, however. If you want to take advantage, you may need to do so sooner rather than later.
All games are compatible with both the Oculus Rift headset and its Touch controllers, offering intuitive interaction with the virtual world. They are far from the only ones though. If you do pick up one of these bundles, or an Oculus Rift by itself, be sure to check out our list of the best games you can play on the platform right now.