Download Baten Kaitos Origins - Disc #1 ROM for GameCube and Play Baten Kaitos Origins - Disc #1 Video Game on your PC, Mac, Android or iOS device! Download from the largest and cleanest ROMs and emulators resource on the net. Mobile optimized. Disc #2 (USA) GameCube ISO Credits Baten Kaitos Origins - Disc #2.

While in battle, use the Dragons Claw, as it will reveal all enemies' health for a limited amount of time. On the left side below each enemy's health bar is their weakness, if they have one. It will appear as 'Weak: [enemy's weakness]'. You can find the Dragon Claw in Rodolfo's mansion. This is very useful when you continue to lose Boss battles.

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- No.41 Character: Milly
- Name: Reverse Knight
- Description: EX combo for Milly, triggered by a combination of attack magnus. Milly unleashes her emotions directly at the enemy, beating them unrecognizable and driving them to sleep.
- Cards required for combo: Weak Attack B, and Medium Attack
- No.44 Character: Milly
- Name: Horse Prance
- Description: Ex combo for Milly, triggered by a combination of attack magnus. Milly kicks upward from an extremly low crouch, preempting any defenses by attacking from a blind spot.
- Cards required for combo: Weak Attack, Pegasus Jump, and Medium Attack B
- No.57 Character: Milly
- Name: Swallos Flight
- Description: Ex combo triggered by a combination of physical-based special attack Swallowtail and other attack magnus. Offers the quickended turnover speed common in Milly's combos.
- Cards required for combo: Weak Attack B, Medium Attack, Strong Attack B, and Swallowtail
- No.98 Character: Guillo
- Name: Two-Palmed Defense
- Description: Ex combo pairing ice-based magic Twin Ice Auger with an ice weapon. Boasts an absolute wall of icy, two-fisted defense.
- Cards required for combo: Weak Attack, Medium Attack B, Strong Attack, and Twin Ice Auger
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Baten Kaitos Origins Iso Download Pc
Coliseum ranksBaten Kaitos Origins Rom
Successfully complete all the matches for your current rank and have enough RP to get a quest. Complete the indicated task or quest to achieve the new rank:
Baten Kaitos 2
Rank 1: Reach Alfard a second time and get the Dog Tags.
Rank 2: Read the letter in the shop in Sheliak (Diadem).
Rank 3: Read the letter in the shop in Cebelrai (Sadal Suud).
Rank 4: Read the letter in the shop in Komo Mai (Anuenue).
Rank 5: Read the letter in the shop in Vega.
Rank 5 -Qualifier: Successfully complete Rank 5.
Champion: Successfully complete the Champion Battle.
Champion (Advanced): Successfully complete the quest in the champion's room, then complete all advanced battles.