Free Black Desert character creator released. If you haven't been following Black Desert Online's development, you probably know it as 'that one with the crazy character creator'.
My favourite part of every MMORPG is almost inevitably its character creator. EVE Online aside, I’ve found styling virtual dolls more fun than their attempts to hook me into dull lifeless worlds and dreams of becoming a hero. A good character creator is worth the download alone and oh my, I’ll certainly give Black Desert a go if it comes westward.
A new video from the F2P South Korean MMORPG shows off the finest character creator I’ve seen since APB, including squillions of sliders to tweak a dozen different parts of the face, squish around body shapes, style hair like a pro, and even give characters heterochromia with star-shaped pupils like some sort of glam rock Dr. Quinn.
Black Desert Character Creator Download Torrent Free

Character Creator
What’s the actual game like? I don’t know and I don’t particularly mind. I am perfectly content focusing on the bits I find enjoyable and ignoring the rest. We all play and enjoy games in our particular way, often for reasons the developers didn’t have in mind, so why not just play dress-up and admire the tech?
While Black Desert hasn’t announced a European publisher yet, that developers Pearl Abyss are working on an English client suggests they’re angling for one. Gosh, look at this character creator: