Brother Hl-2240 Driver Download

Download the LPR Driver and CUPS Wrapper. Locate your model & download your 'Debian' (The deb format) LPR printer driver from HERE. Download the latest drivers, utilities and firmware. View or download manuals for your product.

How-To Geek Forums / Linux

Installation of Brother HL 2240 Printer in Ubuntu 12.04

(1 post)

I found these instructions for a different Brother model and I amended them to suit the HL 2240. I hope it will help other newbies. My strongest advice is to be very aware of letter case when typing into Terminal.

Step 1:
Open Terminal by selecting Applications ---- Terminal from the task bar. (Or Ctrl-Alt-T)


Step 2:
Type or Copy & Paste the following into Terminal and press enter:

sudo apt-get install tcsh

Step 3:
Download the LPR Driver and CUPS Wrapper. Locate your model & download your 'Debian' (The deb format) LPR printer driver from HERE:

Locate your model & download your 'Debian' (Again, The deb format) CUPS wrapper from the same page.

Step 4:
Now change to the directory to which the drivers were downloaded. Presuming you downloaded the driver to your desktop Type or Copy & Paste the following into Terminal:

cd Desktop (In my case cd Downloads)

Step 5:
Create the lpd directory. This is the first I have encountered this but in Hardy the directory had to be created. Skip this and move on to Step 7 if you're using Gutsy or below. In terminal Type or Copy & Paste the following command:

sudo mkdir /var/spool/lpd

Step 6:
Install the LPR Driver. In terminal Type or Copy & Paste the following command:

sudo dpkg -i --force-all hl2240lpr-2.1.0-1.i386.deb

Brother Hl 22 Driver Download

Step 7:
Create the model directory. As with the lpd directory this is the first I have encountered this but in Hardy the directory had to be created. Skip this and move on to Step 9 if you're using Gutsy or below. In terminal Type or Copy & Paste the following command:

sudo mkdir /usr/share/cups/model

If you get error message: mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/share/cups/model': File exists

This is OK. Go on to step 8.

Step 8: (This is the part that drove me crazy. The original instructions had a driver for another printer model that I had to delete, and then type in my printer driver file name. After the lpr file went so smoothly, I couldn't see why the cupswrapper file wasn't found. Then it finally dawned on me. The model number of my saved file was in caps HL2240. After I entered that into terminal, all was well again.)

Now install the CUPS wrapper driver. In terminal Type or Copy & Paste the following command:

sudo dpkg -i --force-all cupswrapperHL2240-2.0.4-2.i386.deb

Driver Download For Laptop

Step 9: From the task bar go to: System ---- Administration ---- Printing, select your printer and click Print Test Page.

Or from Unity, click on dash; type printers; click on printers icon. The HL 2240 should be there. Click on the printer, and click print test page. That's It.

Good Luck,

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I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 and can't print with my Brother HL-2240 printer. I went through all the steps of setting it up through the Printers/System Settings, and chose all the recommended drivers/locations, but it still doesn't work.

This is a picture of how everything is set up right now:

Right now, I'll try to print something and then it disappears from the queue in seconds.

I tried downloading the driver from here as well:

But I can't figure out how to do step 5 which is:Command: bash linux-brprinter-installer-..- Brother machine name

I'm not sure what machine name is supposed to be. I tried HL-2240, HL2240, HL 2240, and 2240 without result.


4 Answers

So I got it to work by downloading all the following drivers:LPR printer driver (deb package)CUPSwrapper printer driver (deb package)Generic LPR printer driver (deb package)Generic CUPSwrapper printer driver (deb package)

Then under Printer Properties my Make and Model is:Brother HL2240 for CUPS

I have no idea which driver's worked, I just threw everything against the wall and hoped something sticked. And now it works.


When adding the printer(Brother HL-2240D) I selected Brother HL-2142 and selected the recommended driver for that printer, and my Brother HL-2240D works perfectly. In my case the actual printer is on a Windows XP PC and thus I was adding a Network printer to Ubuntu.

Driver download nvidia

Brother Hl-2240 Driver Download

Brother hl-2240d driver download

Installed 16.04 then added Brother HL-2142 but just issued many blank pages on test. Downloaded HL-2240 Brother linux-brprinter-installer-..- and followed command line install. But had to use HL-2240DW model number at step 5 above and printer is now working correctly.I had similar problem with 14.04.

Derek YawderDerek Yawder

I did the following to make it work (USB HL2240D configuration)

  1. Download driver from this link

  2. Open a Terminal window and go to Downloads

  3. Type command: gunzip linux-brprinter-installer-2.1.1-1.gz

  4. Type command: sudo sh linux-brprinter-installer-2.1.1-1

and then it was installed succesfully and works ok.

Mario MerinoMario Merino

protected by CommunityNov 13 '17 at 21:40

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