Aug 3, 2015 - Archive page of CrunchBang Linux distribution at CrunchBang Linux 6 i486 789MB.iso md5sum:.
CrunchBang Linux is a Linux system that got from Debian. Using not very many operating systems, this product was intended to an Openbox Window Manager rather than the basic desktop environment. Truth be told, the GTK+ gadget toolbox were utilized for an assortment of its applications… read more
10 CrunchBang Linux Alternatives & Similar Software
Linux Counter
The Linux Counter endeavors to gauge (eventually through measurements) the quantity of individuals utilizing the Linux working framework, alongside the quantity of machines those clients utilize. The Linux Counter is begun as a “for no particular reason” venture to discover what number of Linux clients there are around the world.

Puppy Linux
Linux is a free working framework, and Puppy Linux is an extraordinary form of Linux intended to make figuring simple and quick. Puppy Linux empowers you to spare cash while accomplishing more work, notwithstanding permitting you to do enchantment by recuperating information from devastated PCs or by expelling malware from Windows.
OpenMandriva Lx
OpenMandriva Lx is the most recent version of OpenMandriva, a desktop Linux appropriation got from Mandriva Linux. It is one of the disseminations that rose out of the cinders of Mandriva Linux;
SUSE Studio
SUSE Studio is an online apparatus that permits you to assemble, test, convey, and keep up programming applications in light of SUSE Linux Enterprise. With SUSE Studio you can make programming application pictures or apparatuses in a few organizations, making it simple to send them on physical equipment, in virtualized situations, or to cloud situations.
Fuduntu is an open-source appropriation of Linux, a remix of the Fedora working framework, which thusly depends on the honor winning Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS. It is a desktop-arranged distro that components the GNOME desktop environment.
Saline OS is a Debian-based open source distro of Linux that utilizations Xfce as its default and just desktop environment and has been built to naturally recover certain backports from the Debian programming vaults with a specific end goal to remain breakthrough.
Ubuntu is a Linux-based open-source operating system for computers. It is a mostly run on personal computers and is also popular on network servers, usually running the Ubuntu Server with enterprise-class features.
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Kodibuntu is a combination of Kodi and Operating System for use on PCs that are mainly just running Kodi. It is similar to installing Windows or large Linux-based operating system. Kodibuntu is also known as an Ubuntu-based distribution who installation process is practically identical to that of any others platform.
DistroWatch is a site which gives news, fame rankings, and other general data about different Linux dispersions and also other free programming/open source Unix-like working frameworks, for example, OpenSolaris, MINIX and BSD.
The goal of the Lubuntu system is to make a variation of Ubuntu that is lighter, less asset ravenous and more vitality proficient by utilizing lightweight applications and LXDE, The Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment, as its default GUI.
More About CrunchBang Linux
CrunchBang Linux is a Linux system that got from Debian. Using not very many operating systems, this product was intended to an Openbox Window Manager rather than the basic desktop environment. Truth be told, the GTK+ gadget toolbox were utilized for an assortment of its applications. While a large portion of its bundles was drawn from Debian storehouses, CrunchBang likewise had one of its own. While the item had a decent run, developer Philip Newborough declared on February 6, 2015, that up gradation has been stopped. He urged buyers rather utilize vanilla Debian. Be that as it may, there were still active clients who made endeavors to keep the earth alive by acquainting comparable programming with having its spot, for example, BunsenLabs and CrunchBang++. For customers who required less power behind their innovation, there was a keenly built up the Lite rendition to address their issues that highlighted less introduced applications. Be that as it may, this improvement delighted in a moderately short life expectancy when it was unexpectedly ended. CrunchBang had its own product archive however drew by far most of bundles from Debian’s vaults.
Linux Mint developers release Cinnamon 2.6, Ubuntu MATE seeks feedback on installation images and FreeBSD's historyLast week the Linux Mint project launched a new version of the Cinnamon desktop environment. Cinnamon uses GNOME 3 technology to create a classic desktop environment, similar in look and feel to the legacy GNOME 2 environment. The Cinnamon developers have been working hard to make their desktop environment faster and more reliable. '
A huge amount of work was done to review the CPU usage in various parts of Cinnamon and many improvements were made. Performance was gained by optimizing how Cinnamon reacts to particular events and reducing the number of tasks or repeated tasks it performs. The menu, for instance, is refreshed about 6 times as less as before... signals resulting from connecting a USB device are grouped together and lead to 1 action, reducing 4 concurrent reactions into a single one.' Multiple panel configurations and multiple monitor support have been improved and the file manager now performs operations in sequence rather than in parallel. The new file manager behaviour avoids swamping the computer's processor and disk with file operations. Cinnamon 2.6 is already available to Linux Mint Debian Edition users and will appear in the upcoming release of Linux Mint 17.2. More details on Cinnamon 2.6 can be found on the Linux Mint Segfault blog.
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The Ubuntu MATE distribution is a community project which aims to combine Ubuntu packages with the classic MATE desktop. Many users regard Ubuntu MATE as a return to the way Ubuntu used to work, prior to the launch of the controversial Unity desktop environment. Martin Wimpress, Ubuntu MATE co-founder and project lead, is considering expanding Ubuntu MATE's editions with the possibility of a new, minimal ISO for people who want to run MATE without a lot of applications. Wimpress is running a poll on his Google Plus page where he asks for feedback on Ubuntu MATE's installation image options. '
Would you install an Ubuntu MATE alternative image suitable for burning to CD-ROM that contains the base Ubuntu operating system, MATE Desktop, Firefox, Ubuntu MATE settings/tweaks/integrations but none of the applications such as LibreOffice, Pidgin, Rhythmbox, VLC, etc? The meta packages and tasks to support this already exist in what will become Ubuntu MATE 15.10 and it is possible to install Ubuntu MATE 15.10 `basic' edition using the mini.iso and ubuntu-mate-core meta package or task. Question is, do we need an alternative image? Would you use it?
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Unix has a long and interesting history along with a correspondingly tangled family tree. The original Unix operating system spawned a huge collection of children, cousins and clones which makes navigating the politics of modern Linux/BSD/MINIX/Unix community forums a truly bizarre experience. For those of us interested in operating system history there is help to be found. A document called A Repository with 44 Years of Unix Evolution offers us a written history of Unix complete with diagrams and graphs that outline where modern open source Unix (particularly FreeBSD) came from. '
As can be seen in Figure 1, a modern version of Unix (FreeBSD 9) still contains visible chunks of code from BSD 4.3, BSD 4.3 Net/2, and FreeBSD 2.0. Interestingly, the Figure shows that code developed during the frantic dash to create an open source operating system out of the code released by Berkeley (386BSD and FreeBSD 1.0) does not seem to have survived. The oldest code in FreeBSD 9 appears to be an 18-line sequence in the C library file timezone.c, which can also be found in the 7th Edition Unix file with the same name and a time stamp of January 10th, 1979 - 36 years ago.' The document contains all sorts of interesting bits of trivia and will make it easier to understand where modern FreeBSD comes from.