Immediately on reaching land the man will kill the eagle with his knife, and leaving. Bartolomeo and the cacique, marched against the rebels and soon met with an. The Spaniards encountered torrents of rain, which lasted quite two months; they. To put a spade into the ground, on account of the severity of the frost. Rebel's Blade by Frost Kay was an intriguing, page turner of a book! I read it quite fast, as I wanted to know a great many things, and Frost did a great job of keeping the pace and suspense high. I read it quite fast, as I wanted to know a great many things, and Frost did a.
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(The Aermian Feuds #1)
Secretly trained, swordsmith Sage Blackwell steps up to run her family’s forge when her father falls ill. Sage desires to help the neglected Aermians but is bound by duty to provide for her own… Until, that is, she's offered a chance to make a difference.
Sage knows the risks; imprisonment or death, and yet, she's still willing t...more
Secretly trained, swordsmith Sage Blackwell steps up to run her family’s forge when her father falls ill. Sage desires to help the neglected Aermians but is bound by duty to provide for her own… Until, that is, she's offered a chance to make a difference.
Sage knows the risks; imprisonment or death, and yet, she's still willing t...more
Published March 8th 2017
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Romantic Fantasy With Awesome Heroines 210 books — 315 voters
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Rating details
Mar 04, 2017Cece Rose rated it it was amazing
An interesting first book from Frost Kay!
The Basics
Genre: Fantasy
Series/standalone: Series #1
Rating: 4.5 Stars
The story is mainly broken down into two sides:
Sage is one of the main characters of this book, she's everything that I like in a heroine. She's interesting, brave and look she's not even whiny or bitchy! It's a total win. :)
Tehl I had a little bit more trouble liking, I get that he has good intentions (both of the MCs do) but I definitely disproved of some of his ac...more
Mar 10, 2018Minni Mouse rated it did not like itThe Basics
Genre: Fantasy
Series/standalone: Series #1
Rating: 4.5 Stars
The story is mainly broken down into two sides:
Sage is one of the main characters of this book, she's everything that I like in a heroine. She's interesting, brave and look she's not even whiny or bitchy! It's a total win. :)
Tehl I had a little bit more trouble liking, I get that he has good intentions (both of the MCs do) but I definitely disproved of some of his ac...more
Shelves: 2018, fast-paced-plot, young-adult-romance, book-chemistry, love-triangle, young-adult-fantasy, lets-rough-you-up-shall-we, too-stupid-to-live, stars-1, enemies-turned-lovers
1.5 stars because we're joking with this, right? We're joking with the lewd comments, the torture, the sexual threats? Listen, I'm all for the tropes of domineering males and damsels in distress but there's an invisible line somewhere where sexual aggression becomes inarguably screwed up.
1) By all rights, this should be book chemistry. Enemies turned lovers, probably love geometry, royals and rebellions, tough female character.
2) Fast-paced. I didn't want to put it down and principles...more
1) By all rights, this should be book chemistry. Enemies turned lovers, probably love geometry, royals and rebellions, tough female character.
2) Fast-paced. I didn't want to put it down and principles...more
May 03, 2019Brittany rated it really liked it
'Everyone has scars, love. Some wear theirs on the inside, and some bear them on the outside. But you know what? Those that allow the world to see their scars and move forward are the bravest and best of us. That is true courage.'
Book 1-Rebels Blade- 4 Stars!!
Book 2-Crowns Shield- 4.5 Stars!!
Book 3-Enemys Queen- 4 Stars!!
Book 4-Kings Warrior- 5 Stars!!
We follow two POVS in this Story:
Sage- Alias aka Ruby- her father owns a forge, and she has grown up learning how to make wea...more
Mar 12, 2018Karen rated it it was amazing⭐⭐⭐⭐
'Everyone has scars, love. Some wear theirs on the inside, and some bear them on the outside. But you know what? Those that allow the world to see their scars and move forward are the bravest and best of us. That is true courage.'
Book 1-Rebels Blade- 4 Stars!!
Book 2-Crowns Shield- 4.5 Stars!!
Book 3-Enemys Queen- 4 Stars!!
Book 4-Kings Warrior- 5 Stars!!
We follow two POVS in this Story:
Sage- Alias aka Ruby- her father owns a forge, and she has grown up learning how to make wea...more
Shelves: all-time-favourites, series-worth-continuing, 2018, worth-re-reading, book-series, earc
Amazing!! Too many great words can describe this book! It was so interesting and action packed and so much mystery and humour! Oh the humour was the best part!
We meet a young girl named Sage, the best sword maker in the city. But nobody knows it. With her father, she works in the family business and makes one of the best swords for the people. But her father taught her how to fight with a sword too, for how can she make a sword if she doesn't know how to use it?
Which is why, because of her uni...more
We meet a young girl named Sage, the best sword maker in the city. But nobody knows it. With her father, she works in the family business and makes one of the best swords for the people. But her father taught her how to fight with a sword too, for how can she make a sword if she doesn't know how to use it?
Which is why, because of her uni...more
Mar 04, 2018Mandie rated it it was amazing
Rebel’s Blade was amazing! Hands down! It’s a dark medieval fantasy with a side of fairytale romance!! I loved it! Sage was getting down and dirty kicking some butt! I’m so ready for book 2!
Jun 26, 2018Al *the semi serial series skipper* rated it 
Shelves: first-book-syndrome, confusing, prison-confinement
I have no idea what this book is about and I just spent about 4 hours reading it. Maybe it's me, maybe it's the book.
Mar 07, 2017Jackie Fire and Ice Book Reviews (blog) rated it it was amazing
Rebels Blade was BEYOND my expectations. It had me hooked from beginning to end, and after the ending left wanting for more.
I knew this book was going to be good but the author has blown me away with not only plot and characters, but the world building.
I felt as if I was right there within the story experiencing everything that went on.
My front row seat to all of the action was incredible.
Sage/Ruby was just the type of character I adore. She was sassy but a complete badass. She surprised me at...more
I knew this book was going to be good but the author has blown me away with not only plot and characters, but the world building.
I felt as if I was right there within the story experiencing everything that went on.
My front row seat to all of the action was incredible.
Sage/Ruby was just the type of character I adore. She was sassy but a complete badass. She surprised me at...more
Mar 04, 2017Victoria Schaefer rated it it was amazing
Download Torrent Frost Kay Rebel's Blade Of Life
I absolutely loved this book! It was everything I didn't know I needed. Sage is what every female MC should be! Great job on your first book Frost Kay! Can't wait for the next one!
Mar 23, 2018Katrin D rated it did not like it
I cannot.
I don't DNF books, but this is so bad - it's actually so much more than bad - that I'm making an exception. I feel like this 'book' is the punishment for everything bad I've done in my life.
Before I go into all that's repulsive about this 'book' let it be known that I only read about 50% of it. I just couldn't torture myself anymore. So, unless after the middle all the problematic points I'm going to list below, miraculously get fixed, this review is valid. Actually, no. Even if a...more
I don't DNF books, but this is so bad - it's actually so much more than bad - that I'm making an exception. I feel like this 'book' is the punishment for everything bad I've done in my life.
Before I go into all that's repulsive about this 'book' let it be known that I only read about 50% of it. I just couldn't torture myself anymore. So, unless after the middle all the problematic points I'm going to list below, miraculously get fixed, this review is valid. Actually, no. Even if a...more
Mar 09, 2017Beth Skye Denny rated it it was amazing
From the first line in the prologue I was hooked.
This novel felt as if it were written by a seasoned, best selling author, and it yet it is Frost Kay's debut!
I was immediately drawn into this amazing fantasy world where I met my new book bestie. Sage is kind, funny, strong, and capable. A woman working the forge and supporting her family, yet secretly helping a growing resistance within the kingdom. Truly unique to the other females in this world she is greatly talented and able.
Though she is ca...more
This novel felt as if it were written by a seasoned, best selling author, and it yet it is Frost Kay's debut!
I was immediately drawn into this amazing fantasy world where I met my new book bestie. Sage is kind, funny, strong, and capable. A woman working the forge and supporting her family, yet secretly helping a growing resistance within the kingdom. Truly unique to the other females in this world she is greatly talented and able.
Though she is ca...more
Mar 05, 2017Vicky rated it it was amazing
This is a really good beginning to a fantasy series.
It's taken me a while to gather my thoughts as I read this in one sitting because I couldn't actually put it down despite it being really late at the time I was reading.
As a fantasy, world building is important, and it was done subtly without distracting from moving the plot forward or interrupting the natural flow of the book. While the map at the beginning does show more sections of the world, not much was given away, which makes me think the...more
It's taken me a while to gather my thoughts as I read this in one sitting because I couldn't actually put it down despite it being really late at the time I was reading.
As a fantasy, world building is important, and it was done subtly without distracting from moving the plot forward or interrupting the natural flow of the book. While the map at the beginning does show more sections of the world, not much was given away, which makes me think the...more
Mar 05, 2017Jennifer Mertz rated it it was amazing
Frost Kay has created an amazing book. I was hooked from the beginning. It was a little slow in some places, but I still could not put it down. I had to keep reading to know what was going to happen next. Rebel’s Blade sent me through an array of emotions while reading it. I sat on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next, I laughed until my family thought I was insane and that is just to name a couple of emotions I went through.
Sage is a wonderful character that is full of f...more
Sage is a wonderful character that is full of f...more
Listen. This book is a genuine surprise. It's on Kindle Unlimited. So I decided to read it (even tho I have heard nothing about this book.)
Y'all, I was blown away! It was not without its faults... but the amazing heavily outweighs any small issues I had! The multiple point of views was shockingly fluid. I didn't feel like there was even a 'main character' Everyone was just as vital as the next person. It was EVERYONES story.
If I can complain, I'd say the author did TOO much world building and...more
Y'all, I was blown away! It was not without its faults... but the amazing heavily outweighs any small issues I had! The multiple point of views was shockingly fluid. I didn't feel like there was even a 'main character' Everyone was just as vital as the next person. It was EVERYONES story.
If I can complain, I'd say the author did TOO much world building and...more
Mar 10, 2017Lauren rated it it was ok
Note: I received an ARC of this from the author. This in no way influences my opinion.
Unfortunately, this was a DNF for me. Which is a shame, because the plot itself was actually pretty good as far as I got (about 55%) - however, my issues mostly lay with the characters, which is, ultimately, why I DNfed.
I want to start with the good. I enjoyed the plot as far as I got. It was fast paced, it kept me on my toes and there was always something going on. I do feel like it sort of slowed down toward...more
Jul 10, 2017Hollie rated it it was amazingUnfortunately, this was a DNF for me. Which is a shame, because the plot itself was actually pretty good as far as I got (about 55%) - however, my issues mostly lay with the characters, which is, ultimately, why I DNfed.
I want to start with the good. I enjoyed the plot as far as I got. It was fast paced, it kept me on my toes and there was always something going on. I do feel like it sort of slowed down toward...more
Shelves: badass-heroine, fighter, suspense, coming-of-age-ya, kindle-unlimited
~4.5 stars~
This was a solid read!! A strong and independent heroine is always a plus in my book. The characters were all well portrayed and the storyline was well executed. No real romance at all but hopefully that will be in future books to come. I look forward to the next installment!
This was a solid read!! A strong and independent heroine is always a plus in my book. The characters were all well portrayed and the storyline was well executed. No real romance at all but hopefully that will be in future books to come. I look forward to the next installment!
OK, so.
1 I ABSOLUTELY LOVED HOW THE BOOK BEGAN. The prologue of the book started with the heroine enduring torture with a fierce dose of vengeance. And honestly, that gave me SUCH strong Throne of Glass vibes, I LITERALLY shivered in delight.
But that was it. From then on, while the storyline was thoroughly enrapturing and the characters nothing short of riveting- the whole method of the WRITING just ruined the whole book for me.
I was honestly contemplating whether to give the book a three sta...more
1 I ABSOLUTELY LOVED HOW THE BOOK BEGAN. The prologue of the book started with the heroine enduring torture with a fierce dose of vengeance. And honestly, that gave me SUCH strong Throne of Glass vibes, I LITERALLY shivered in delight.
But that was it. From then on, while the storyline was thoroughly enrapturing and the characters nothing short of riveting- the whole method of the WRITING just ruined the whole book for me.
I was honestly contemplating whether to give the book a three sta...more
Download Torrent Frost Kay Rebel's Blade Of Light
Mar 06, 2017Katelyn Anderson rated it it was amazing
Wow!!! Can I just say I had no idea what to expect when I picked up this book, and I was blown away by Frost Kay's style of writing. Each sentence is delicately crafted and paints the perfect scene in my mind. I found it incredibly hard to put this book down and had to shut people up when they tried talking to me while I was invested in this story! (Which happens far too often. I might need to put a 'do not disturb sign' over my head to ward them off!)
I love the characters. They are lifelike and...more
I love the characters. They are lifelike and...more
Fantasy is one of my favourite genre’s and is one of the reasons I love books so much - I read ALOT of fantasy! So of course as an avid reader I had to pick up this book!
The main character is Sage and she is brought into a rebellion because she loves her country and wants to help keep those she loves safe - but equally without harming anyone unnecessarily to reach their goals! What an interesting character she is - bold and strong in a male dominated world. She works secretly as a blacksmith, c...more
The main character is Sage and she is brought into a rebellion because she loves her country and wants to help keep those she loves safe - but equally without harming anyone unnecessarily to reach their goals! What an interesting character she is - bold and strong in a male dominated world. She works secretly as a blacksmith, c...more
Mar 13, 2017anjuli rated it it was ok
***I received an ARC and I volunteered to review the book****
Sadly, I had to DNF this book @65%. I lost my interest a little bit ago but I still tried to read on. Eventually, I just couldn't go on. The storyline was pretty interesting though and book was paced well. I figured, A Broken kingdom, crown prince, another prince and a rebel girl. What's not to love? But, it was not meant to be. The book has multiple POV with each POV marked clearly - Which I really liked.
My biggest issues were, first...more
Sadly, I had to DNF this book @65%. I lost my interest a little bit ago but I still tried to read on. Eventually, I just couldn't go on. The storyline was pretty interesting though and book was paced well. I figured, A Broken kingdom, crown prince, another prince and a rebel girl. What's not to love? But, it was not meant to be. The book has multiple POV with each POV marked clearly - Which I really liked.
My biggest issues were, first...more
I really, really enjoyed this book. The author writes as if she has been writing for years, and it lacks the awkward sentencing that many debut novels seem to have. Her writing flows, moving through the story and plot line with ease and it was a joy to read.
I thought the plot itself was well thought out and had enough twists and turns to keep readers interested wanting to find out more.
I would have liked to see an little more character development, in order to better understand and empathise wit...more
Aug 17, 2018S.K. Levy rated it liked it · review of another editionI thought the plot itself was well thought out and had enough twists and turns to keep readers interested wanting to find out more.
I would have liked to see an little more character development, in order to better understand and empathise wit...more
Shelves: kickass-females, mental-health-yay, 3-stars
'Everyone has scars, love. Some wear theirs on the inside, and some bear them on the outside. But you know what? Those that allow the world to see their scars and move forward are the bravest and best of us. That is true courage.'
Rebel's Blade by Frost Kay was an intriguing, page turner of a book! I read it quite fast, as I wanted to know a great many things, and Frost did a great job of keeping the pace and suspense high. Rebel's Blade follows Sage, a blacksmith and rebel, who is captured by...more
Rebel's Blade by Frost Kay was an intriguing, page turner of a book! I read it quite fast, as I wanted to know a great many things, and Frost did a great job of keeping the pace and suspense high. Rebel's Blade follows Sage, a blacksmith and rebel, who is captured by...more
Apr 04, 2018FictionNoChaser rated it it was ok
Overall Rating: 2.75 out of 5 wine corks
Dude: The real hero in this novel is the rat that bites Tehl
Heroine: The exact opposite of Unbreakable Kimie Schmidt
Steaminess: Unless we are talking about the “boiling sea” it’s an ice bath
Brutality: Ramsay Bolton would cringe at this one
I chose this book to review because I saw quotes like “If you like Throne of Glass” I just failed to see the parts where they finished with ”…you will think this is a disjointed mess.”
(view spoiler)[
I feel for Sage becaus...more
Dude: The real hero in this novel is the rat that bites Tehl
Heroine: The exact opposite of Unbreakable Kimie Schmidt
Steaminess: Unless we are talking about the “boiling sea” it’s an ice bath
Brutality: Ramsay Bolton would cringe at this one
I chose this book to review because I saw quotes like “If you like Throne of Glass” I just failed to see the parts where they finished with ”…you will think this is a disjointed mess.”
(view spoiler)[
I feel for Sage becaus...more
This story had all the right elements to keep me interested. It had the strong female lead who was kick-ass yet not arrogant and it had the misunderstood male lead who you want to punch at times yet you can't help but like him
The kingdom of Aermia is in trouble and deteriorating because the king loses himself in sorrow for years after his beloved queen dies. The Scythians froom the neighboring country are crossing the border and are killing and enslaving Aermians living nearby. Because the peop...more
The kingdom of Aermia is in trouble and deteriorating because the king loses himself in sorrow for years after his beloved queen dies. The Scythians froom the neighboring country are crossing the border and are killing and enslaving Aermians living nearby. Because the peop...more
Mar 06, 2017Megan Hunt rated it it was amazing
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.
Feb 23, 2018Coco.V marked it as to-read
💝 FREE on Amazon today (2/23/2018)! 💝
Secretly trained, swordsmith Sage Blackwell steps up to run her family’s forge when her father falls ill. Sage desires to help the neglected Aermians but is bound by duty to provide for her own… Until, that is, she's offered a chance to make a difference.
Sage knows the risks; imprisonment or death, and yet, she's still willing to take them to protect her family. But when plans unravel, Sage finds herself faci...more
Secretly trained, swordsmith Sage Blackwell steps up to run her family’s forge when her father falls ill. Sage desires to help the neglected Aermians but is bound by duty to provide for her own… Until, that is, she's offered a chance to make a difference.
Sage knows the risks; imprisonment or death, and yet, she's still willing to take them to protect her family. But when plans unravel, Sage finds herself faci...more
I nearly gave up after the first chapter. I found myself drifting off as it started out slowly with a lot of telling rather than showing. But as I am prone to do, I pressed on, and the truth is, I was pleasantly surprised when the storyline picked up immediately. It has a lot of potential.
However, the biggest drawback for me was the grammar. The book was full of awkward sentence structures, missing words, misused punctuation, and parts that make you go 'did I read that right?'
I've said it before...more
However, the biggest drawback for me was the grammar. The book was full of awkward sentence structures, missing words, misused punctuation, and parts that make you go 'did I read that right?'
I've said it before...more
Mar 26, 2017Meg (Realm of the Reader) rated it it was amazing
What if two characters who thought they were enemies, actually want the same things? Sage and Tehl come from completely different backgrounds and each is certain that the other is their villain, but what if the threat actually lies somewhere else?
Frost Kay expertly weaves two point of views to tell two sides to the same story in a way that keeps the reader guessing and rooting for both characters the entire time.
This was an absolutely fantastic book. This is a must read for lovers of fantasy -...more
Oct 30, 2018Rachel rated it really liked itFrost Kay expertly weaves two point of views to tell two sides to the same story in a way that keeps the reader guessing and rooting for both characters the entire time.
This was an absolutely fantastic book. This is a must read for lovers of fantasy -...more
Shelves: fantasy, badass-female-character, funny, watch-out-for-that-cliff, kindle-unlimited-read, first-in-series-read, zzz2018
Not much happened, but I see a lot of potential for the rest of the series. I think I will like the second even more than the first. I definitely started loving it towards the end, and that cliff hanger killed me. A good read if you are looking for KU YA titles. four books are already published, with a fifth on the way.
Nov 20, 2017Chelsea Wilson rated it it was amazing
What a brilliant story I didnt want it to end! I love the characters Sage, Tehl, Sam Gav Mira and Marq but no so much Rafe.
I cant wait for the next book in the series!
BRING IT ON Mrs Kay :)
What a brilliant story I didnt want it to end! I love the characters Sage, Tehl, Sam Gav Mira and Marq but no so much Rafe.
I cant wait for the next book in the series!
BRING IT ON Mrs Kay :)
Pretty much obsessed! I love sage and Tehl and Sam and Gav and I started book two at 1 in the morning because I couldn’t stop!
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USA Today Bestselling Author Frost Kay is a certified book dragon with an excessive TBR, and a shoe obsession. If you love bewitching fantasy and sci-fi, epic adventures, dark promises, thrilling action, swoon worthy anti heroes, and slow burning romance; her books are for you!
She claims ownership to the bestselling young adult series The Aermian Feuds packed with adventure, secrets, and betrayal...more
She claims ownership to the bestselling young adult series The Aermian Feuds packed with adventure, secrets, and betrayal...more

The Aermian Feuds(4 books)
“snigger.” — 1 likes
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