Download Xamarin For Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2017 Xamarin Live [Optional] Download the Visual Studio installer package and when you launch it, you’ll be asked which components you want to install. For Android development, look under. How to Start Developing Android Apps in Visual Studio 2017. Download Visual Studio Community, Professional, and Enterprise. Try Visual Studio Code or Team Foundation Server for free today..NET Desktop, Node.js, Office and SharePoint, Python, TypeScript, Unit Tests, UWP, WCF, and Xamarin. Web Installer Download Agents for Visual Studio 2017 Agents for Visual Studio 2017 can be used for load. The Xamarin team is proceeding as usual to test for compatibility and publish updated versions of Xamarin.iOS and the Visual Studio Tools for Xamarin to align with the new version of Xcode. Keep an eye on this blog for status updates.

I have visual studio 2015 with xamarin but i want to install the xamarin studio IDE . In fact, in the official website of xamarin the din't provide you to download the xamarin studio only without downloading the xamarin platform. I have all the other softwares that the platform gives so i want only to install the IDE with no GTK# and no Android SDK and other things, only the xamarin studio IDE. Please if you have any idea about that write it in an answer, and if this possible tell me too. Thanks a lot

فراس اليحياويفراس اليحياوي

closed as off-topic by Petter Friberg, Yvette Colomb, Machavity, Makyen, Paul RoubOct 13 '17 at 0:25

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3 Answers

Download and install this:

It installs Xamarin Studio only.


You can find the updated version here

Jervie VitrioloJervie Vitriolo

You can find the updated version here date released (April 4, 2017):


Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged c#androidxamarin or ask your own question.


Download Xamarin For Visual Studio 2008

Check the system requirements before you begin.


Xamarin can be installed as part of a new Visual Studio 2017 installation, with the following steps:

  1. Download Visual Studio 2017 Community, Visual Studio Professional, orVisual Studio Enterprise from theVisual Studio page (downloadlinks are provided at the bottom).

  2. Double-click the downloaded package to start installation.

  3. Select the Mobile development with .NET workload from theinstallation screen:

  4. While Mobile development with .NET is selected, have a look atthe Installation details panel on the right. Here, you can deselectmobile development options that you do not want to install.

  5. When you are ready to begin Visual Studio 2017 installation, click theInstall button in the lower right-hand corner:

    Depending on which edition of Visual Studio 2017 you are installing, theinstallation process can take a long time to complete. You can usethe progress bars to monitor the installation:

  6. When Visual Studio 2017 installation has completed, click the Launchbutton to start Visual Studio:

Adding Xamarin to Visual Studio 2017

If Visual Studio 2017 is already installed, add Xamarin byre-running the Visual Studio 2017 installer to modify workloads (seeModify Visual Studiofor details). Next, follow the steps listed above to install Xamarin.

Download Xamarin For Visual Studio 2012

For more information about downloading and installing Visual Studio2017, see Install Visual Studio 2017.

In Visual Studio 2019, verify that Xamarin is installed byclicking the Help menu. If Xamarin is installed, you shouldsee a Xamarin menu item as shown in this screenshot:

You can also click Help > About Microsoft Visual Studio and scrollthrough the list of installed products to see if Xamarin is installed:

For more information about locating version information, seeWhere can I find my version information and logs?

Next steps

Installing Xamarin in Visual Studio 2019 allows you to start writing codefor your apps, but does require additional setup for building anddeploying your apps to simulator, emulator, and device. Visit thefollowing guides to complete your installation and start building crossplatform apps.


Download Xamarin For Visual Studio

For more detailed information, see the Installing Xamarin.iOS on Windows guide.

  1. iOS Developer Setup - Required to run your application on device


For more detailed information, see the Installing Xamarin.Android on Windows guide.