How To Download All Shared Photos From Facebook Messenger



It's a chat with long history (3 years and more) and many shared pictures during this period. Since recently the whole gallery was seen from the very beginning and now I see only 1 year back and the older pictures are missing in the gallery. I cannot also scroll the conversation so much back. How can I find and download all of them?


protected by CommunityApr 26 '18 at 18:25

SEE ALSO: How to Search for your old Facebook Posts How to see your all Facebook Chat Shared Photos in One Place? Open any Facebook Messenger Chat. Open any personal Facebook chat messenger and click on the icon. As a comprehensive photo management service, it enables you to easily download all your pictures — as well as specific albums — shared or uploaded by you or your friends on social networks. To download your Facebook photos and albums, launch the app and log into Facebook through the panel on the left.

How To Download All Shared Photos From Facebook Messenger App

How To Download All Shared Photos From Facebook Messenger

How To Download All Shared Photos From Facebook Messenger Free

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