How To Download Too Many Items Mod3

  1. How To Download Too Many Items Mod3 In Order
  2. How To Download Too Many Items Mod 1.12.1
  3. How To Download Too Many Items Mod 1.2.5

While some mods can mess up your game - and even your PC - many add entire new dimensions to the game. Too Many Items is one of these - one of the original and best mods created, it is a very popular and well-known programme when downloaded and installed safely from trusted websites. Sep 25, 2018. Are too many items or too many folders in a Cached mode.ost file or.pst. And has caching enabled (Download Shared Folders is selected).

Gives you unlimited resources



Creators Description
Create and delete items in-game, including mod items. Save and load entire inventories. Create unlimited stacks and tools. Test mods, create huge survival worlds, and more.
Mod Home Page

Not known, please comment down below if you are aware of one. Thanks.

Minecraft Forum Page

How To Download Too Many Items Mod3 In Order

Copyright and Restrictions

Standard GPL restrictions apply

Dependant On

No known dependencies


Conflicts With

No known conflicts, please comment down below if you experience any.

Download Too Many Items
Make sure the version of the mod you download matches the version of Minecraft you are using

  • Choose your version and download Too Many Items from here…
    Minecraft 1.8
    Minecraft 1.7.9
    Minecraft 1.7.5
    Minecraft 1.7.4
    Minecraft 1.7.2
    Minecraft 1.7.10
    Minecraft 1.6.4
    Minecraft 1.6.2
    Minecraft 1.6.1
    Minecraft 1.5.2 OLD
    Minecraft 1.5.1 OLD
    Minecraft 1.5 OLD
    Minecraft 1.4.7 OLD
    Minecraft 1.4.6 OLD
    Minecraft 1.4.5 OLD
    Minecraft 1.3.2 OLD
    Minecraft 1.2.5 OLD
  • and save it into the folder with the same version number within your ‘Mod Downloads’ folder
Installation Instructions for Too Many Items
on New Minecraft Launcher

We recommend the use of the Modgician Mod Installer for this Mod.

Our Installer is clean, fast and simple. No complex processes, no annoying conflicts.


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on Old Minecraft Launcher version 1.5.2 and earlier
for Too Many Items on Minecraft 1.5.2 and earlier on Old Launcher
Make sure you are not running Minecraft when installing this mod.
This tutorial assumes you have followed all instructions in the Toolkit section of this website
  • On the desktop, double-click on the Mod Downloads folder to open it
  • Double-click on the folder with the version number you are running
  • Right-click on the downloaded file “” > click on 7-Zip > click on Open archive
  • After the archive opens in 7-Zip, move the archive window to the right-hand side of your screen
  • Back on your desktop, double-click on the ‘.minecraft – shortcut’
  • Double-click on the bin folder
  • Right-click on ‘minecraft.jar’ > click on 7-Zip > click on Open archive
  • After the archive opens in 7-Zip, move the archive window to the left-hand side of your screen
  • You should now be able to see both archive windows side by side
  • In the window on the right, click and drag to select all files
  • Drag the files to the archive window on the left
  • Close the TooManyItems archive window on the right
  • In the Minecraft.jar archive that is still open on the left, look for a yellow folder called “META-INF”
  • It may not exist, but if it does you need to delete it, so click on it > press Delete on your keyboard > click OK
  • Close the minecraft.jar archive window
  • Run your Minecraft program > Login > choose Singleplayer > open a world and check that it works ok.

When I heard that you could look up recipes and cheat items with Not Enough Items, I downloaded NEI. It worked, and then I got another mod and the all of a sudden NEI still worked, but it was locked in recipe mode only. I tried fixing it by putting it into cheat mode again, but it was still in recipe mode.

I knew the only reason this happened was probably because of a change in the mod. Then I was watching a YouTuber who had the same exact mod as me and NEI was working and not locked in recipe mode for him. I tried redownloading NEI and getting it again but I was still stuck in recipe mode.

How do I get NEI in cheat mode?


How To Download Too Many Items Mod 1.12.1

2 Answers

This is a config option to lock NEI in Recipe Mode only. It's designed for people (like me) who want to commit to a Survival game, but can't help themselves when it's so easy to cheat in items. This option is on by default when you download NEI.

You can turn this off in the configuration file. Go to the config folder (probably C:/Users/YourName/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/config) and find NEI.cfg. Open it with Notepad, and change the line that says lockmode=0 to lockmode=-1. This will unlock the option to switch to cheat mode in the options menu in-game.

If that doesn't work for whatever reason, cheat mode can be manually set by changing the line that says cheatmode=0 to cheatmode=2.


Just to add to the previous answers:

An element I wasn't aware of was that after setting NEI to cheat mode, you need to enable the Items option, under Utilities. (This applies to the 1.7 pack I'm playing, anyway.)

This is done by left/right clicking the stone block icon on the right.


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How To Download Too Many Items Mod 1.2.5

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