Port Is Not Open You Are Still Able To Download

Posted by2 years ago

PPTP VPN Works, but can't get ports to open for L2TP. 1701) but none of them show on canyouseeme.org as open ports. 1723 (PPTP) still shows open just fine. I've also opened those ports INCOMING/OUTGOING on the windows server firewall. Now if you configure L2TP on that same server, you should be able to see the same listening mode for. Check use the following IP address option and enter IP address you remember from cmd window. Enter gateway, DNS server addresses. Click OK and close Internet Connections windows. In your internet browser enter your IP address. Click Advanced Setup-Nat. Enter port number you want to open.Click Save. Now download and install torrent client.


Port is open, but uTorrent still says it's closed.

I've done a lot of googling and troubleshooting on this and I'm running out of answers.

I've properly set up my router to port forward. I'm using a static IP, set with that PortFoward.org software bundle. canyouseeme.org confirms that the port is open. I'm running the latest version of uTorrent (3.4.8). No firewalls. I'm on an ISP that doesn't throttle or block torrent connections. Port number is correctly set in uTorrent. Rebooted multiple times.

But none of my torrents will seed (and they are active), there's still a yellow ! symbol in the bottom left corner, and uTorrent's network test keeps saying 'Port is not open (you are still able to download)'.

What do I do?


Port Is Not Open You Are Still Able To Download Free

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Port Is Not Open You Are Still Able To Download Full

Unable to Get Port 3389 Open and “Seen” for Remote Desktop (from iPad over Fios Router to XP Laptop)
I am working to get remote access to my corporate laptop from my iPad using remote desktop.
• Laptop – Running Windows XP SP3, my corporate IT folks have turned on Remote Desktop.
• Router – My home network has a Fios Actiontec MI424-WR (revE) router, and I have turned on port forwarding for 3389, pointing to the IP address of my laptop on the home network (192.168.x.x).
• iPad – The iPad is running Mocha Remote Desktop (RDP), where the configuration requires only the IP and port; I have configured with the external IP address for my router, and port 3389.
I am able to connect with remote desktop when the iPad and laptop are both on my local network at home. But when the iPad is on an external network, it fails to connect and times out.
I have tried setting up Dynamic DNS on the router (created a DynDNS account, entered the xxx.dyndns.org host name in the router settings, and tried pointing the iPad’s remote desktop app to xx.dyndns.org) but this also failed to connect and timed out.
(I can not try Remote Desktop with another port, as I can not make admin changes to the corporate issued laptop.)
Here are some of the rudimentary diagnostics I have checked:
• Listening – When I run ‘netstat –a’ from the laptop, it shows that the machine is listening to port 3389.
• CanYouSeeMe – When I test for port 3389 using CanYouSeeMe.org on the laptop, it reports that it can not see my service on Port 3389.
Why would port 3389 show as forwarded on the router settings, be show as listening from the laptop with netstat –a, but not be “seen” with port testing? What am I missing to be able to connect from outside of my own network?