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Any Script Supervisor Tips?
I've been working on a pilot as a PA and we are literally working on a next to nothing budget. It's incredible how we are getting shit done. Anyway we had no money for a script supervisor and haven't found anyone to step in the role for free so I raised my voice and said I'll do it. They are skeptical since I have never done it before but I made a good pitch and they are giving me the go. I understand what a script supervisor does and what needs to be done but I was wondering if anybody had any tips for making the job a little easier or something a newbie might not think of. Any advice would be great! I am super excited!
The Continuity Supervisor Avril Rowlands Free Download Torrent Youtube
ISBN : UCSD:31822027836881
Genre : Camcorders
File Size : 79.93 MB
Format : PDF, Kindle
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