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Acclaimed by critics, beloved by readers of all ages, taught everywhere from inner-city grade schools to universities across the country, and translated all over the world, The House on Mango Street is the remarkable story of Esperanza Cordero.
Told in a series of vignettes – sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes deeply joyous–it is the story of a young Latina girl growing up...more
Told in a series of vignettes – sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes deeply joyous–it is the story of a young Latina girl growing up...more
Published April 3rd 2009 by Vintage (first published January 1st 1984)
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- 3 likes · like
ChristianThe book, 'The House on Mango Street' by sandras Cisneros should be read by everyone because it describes how different people live and what they have…moreThe book, 'The House on Mango Street' by sandras Cisneros should be read by everyone because it describes how different people live and what they have to deal with.
In the book Esperanza is a little girl that explains her life and the life of others in the neighborhood. She explains that her house is not what she expected and how he wants to move out of there as soon as she gets the chance to do so. She also describes the lives of different neighbors. For example, Rosa Vargas is a single mother of a lot of kids who struggle to keep all of them in line and under control because her husband left without leaving anything behind. I wish they would have explained some of the characters lives better because some were really brief.
I encourage people to read this book because it talks about child abuse, and teen pregnancy in a way where it isn't that graphic for young readers. (less)
In the book Esperanza is a little girl that explains her life and the life of others in the neighborhood. She explains that her house is not what she expected and how he wants to move out of there as soon as she gets the chance to do so. She also describes the lives of different neighbors. For example, Rosa Vargas is a single mother of a lot of kids who struggle to keep all of them in line and under control because her husband left without leaving anything behind. I wish they would have explained some of the characters lives better because some were really brief.
I encourage people to read this book because it talks about child abuse, and teen pregnancy in a way where it isn't that graphic for young readers. (less)
JoanaSimply click on the picture of thee book or below it should say either read currently reading or want to read, click on read and something should pop…moreSimply click on the picture of thee book or below it should say either read currently reading or want to read, click on read and something should pop up and say how you wold rate the book and also allows you to leave a review.(less)
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Dec 10, 2016Brina rated it it was amazing Shelves: chicago-setting, coming-of-age, hispanic-culture, 500-great-books-women
Ever since middle school when I discovered the writings of the amigas, I have jumped at the opportunity to read novels written by Hispanic women. Despite my life long love of this genre, I have never until now had the privilege of reading Sandra Cisneros' A House on Mango Street. Cisneros is a torch bearer for the Hispanic women writers who I love to read today, so I feel privileged to have read her first novel, now over 30 years old.
Sandra Cisneros grew up on Chicago's north side on Keeler str...more
Sandra Cisneros grew up on Chicago's north side on Keeler str...more
Feb 15, 2010Kim rated it really liked it · review of another edition
It’s a little after 2am. I’m having the dreams.
The ones that blindside me and have that weird echo --- is or isn’t this real? Sleep isn’t going to happen. What’s new. I leave my room to check out the house. Doors locked? Check. Kids asleep? Check…whoa, hold up a minute. Em is awake. She’s sitting in the living room illuminated by a booklite. She’s got about 4 blankets piled on top of her and she’s….. reading. Reading? I’m used to the insomnia, on both our parts… we knock around each other, say...more
Aug 07, 2016James rated it really liked it
Book Review
4 out of 5 stars to The House on Mango Street, a short series of vignettes published in 1984 and written by Sandra Cisneros. Picture it: Long Island, August 1995. 18-year-old college student receives a letter in the mail, revealing two books he must read prior to attending the freshmen orientation seminar on his first day of college later that month. Young kid says 'They're giving me work to do already? WT...' It went something like that. And it wasn't that I didn't want to read,...more
Jul 17, 2015Nishat rated it it was amazing4 out of 5 stars to The House on Mango Street, a short series of vignettes published in 1984 and written by Sandra Cisneros. Picture it: Long Island, August 1995. 18-year-old college student receives a letter in the mail, revealing two books he must read prior to attending the freshmen orientation seminar on his first day of college later that month. Young kid says 'They're giving me work to do already? WT...' It went something like that. And it wasn't that I didn't want to read,...more
Shelves: delicate-as-poetry, read-in-2015, modern-classic
'I make a story for my life, for each step my brown shoe takes.'
Esperanza Cordero, a Mexican-American girl living in poverty, gives a soaring voice to a multitude of characters who otherwise would remain in darkness all their pitiful lives. Echoing the undying optimism even in the most wretched place, Esperanza stands for sunny days, for light and memories.
In the midst of countless insignificant young adult books, The House On Mango Street is an exception. Awe-inspiring writing with a powerful...more
Feb 28, 2017DuaneEsperanza Cordero, a Mexican-American girl living in poverty, gives a soaring voice to a multitude of characters who otherwise would remain in darkness all their pitiful lives. Echoing the undying optimism even in the most wretched place, Esperanza stands for sunny days, for light and memories.
In the midst of countless insignificant young adult books, The House On Mango Street is an exception. Awe-inspiring writing with a powerful...more

Shelves: 2017-book-challenge, american-classics, rated-books, reviewed-books, short-stories, young-adult
Partly biographical, partly fiction, this wonderful book by Sandra Cisneros is an influential coming of age story that is still being used in schools today. Cisneros, born in Chicago in 1954 to Mexican parents, an only girl with 7 brothers, experienced a transient early childhood as the family moved back and forth from Chicago to Mexico. But when she was 11 they settled down and bought a house in the Humboldt Park area of Chicago, predominantly Puerto Rican, and it was from her life experiences...more
The description on goodreads describes this as a novel. It is not a novel. It isn't a collection of stories either. The word is 'vignette'--snapshots of significant moments, people, in young Esperanza's day-to-day life, sprinkled with her understanding that she will leave this House on Mango Street, and the Houses not on Mango Street that could be on Mango Street, and write, but that Mango Street will never leave her. There is no central plot line or conflict. Some characters go as quick as we m...more
May 28, 2015Sawsan rated it liked it · review of another edition
نصوص قصيرة عن فتاة مكسيكية لديها الكثير لتحكيه عن حياتها في شارع مانجو
البيت والعائلة, الأصدقاء والجيران, لحظات الفرح والحزن
الرواية كأنها ألبوم للصور, في كل صورة لقطة من لقطات حياتها
البيت والعائلة, الأصدقاء والجيران, لحظات الفرح والحزن
الرواية كأنها ألبوم للصور, في كل صورة لقطة من لقطات حياتها
(Original pub date: 1984)
This is another one of those 'reading list classics' that I figured I should try. Especially since it's really short! ;) The book consists entirely of vignettes from the author's childhood in a poor section of Chicago. The writing is beautiful and spare - no vignette is longer that 2 or 3 pages (and the font is huge and widely spaced). It reads like poetry, really - the words are potent and evocative rather than exhaustively descriptive.
My reading of this book actually h...more
Nov 09, 2011Lisa (Harmonybites) rated it did not like itThis is another one of those 'reading list classics' that I figured I should try. Especially since it's really short! ;) The book consists entirely of vignettes from the author's childhood in a poor section of Chicago. The writing is beautiful and spare - no vignette is longer that 2 or 3 pages (and the font is huge and widely spaced). It reads like poetry, really - the words are potent and evocative rather than exhaustively descriptive.
My reading of this book actually h...more
Recommended to Lisa (Harmonybites) by: The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Ultimate Reading List
Shelves: contemporary, fiction, literary-fiction, novels, poetry, popular-fiction, short-stories, ultimate-reading-list, young-adult
I found the introduction filled with unintended ironies. Cisneros said she wanted to write a book that you could turn to any page and find it accessible. For one thing, she said she was 'abandoning quotation marks to streamline the typography and make the page as simple and readable as possible.' Really? Personally, as far as I'm concerned, punctuation marks are our friends. Quotation marks in the most economical way signal that we are reading a conversation, and through conventions such as alte...more
Jul 06, 2014Michael rated it it was amazing
A short sequence of colorful vignettes, full of vivid dialogue and striking images, The House on Mango Street tells the coming-of-age tale of its protagonist Esperanza. Written in simple prose that often borders on poetry, the novel takes on difficult subjects such as grief, oppression, poverty, and shame, as well as themes of friendship, family, hope, and joy. Throughout all the novel, though, Esperanza maintains her resilience and grit as she struggles to find a sense of belonging in a neighbo...more
Dec 03, 2008Alex rated it it was amazing
I had the opportunity to meet Sandra in one of her book readings and I was so overcome with emotions I was part babbling, part crying and part laughing with joy. I had to thank her because there was finally someone in the literary world that understood me and was able to tell stories that were similar to mine growing up as a Mexican in Chicago. I adore this book because I finally felt like I wasn't alone! I've seen so many stereotypes of hispanic people and I never felt like I identified with an...more
Jul 18, 2016Rincey rated it really liked it
This was beautiful
Mar 16, 2018Vanessa rated it liked it · review of another edition
Easy to read and bite sized vignettes from the distinct viewpoint of a poor immigrant child Esperanza writing in her own style and keeping true to herself and her unique voice. Interesting. Different.
Sep 19, 2011Connie G
Shelves: short-stories, young-adult, illinois, immigrant-experience
'The House on Mango Street' is a coming-of-age book about a Mexican-American girl growing up in a Hispanic neighborhood in Chicago. We see Esperanza Cordero's family and neighborhood through the twelve-year-old girl's eyes, told in a series of vignettes. She sees many older women sitting by the windows. They feel trapped by their fathers, their husbands, and the responsibility of children. Others are trapped by their lack of education or inability to speak English. Esperanza is hoping her writin...more
Jul 23, 2007T G rated it did not like it
She is a good poet who penned a mediocre 'novel.' I tell you, it is on the slim side of a novella. Physically, the book is short (maybe 5/7 the height of a standard paperbook), 12 point font, double-spaced, 134 pages long with 44 chapters and each one is set apart with its own half page. Oh, and the content? Just what you'd expect. Why, I bet Cisneros spent a whole afternoon writing what you could read in an afternoon.
Jun 17, 2008Rose Ann rated it did not like it
I did not care for the style of writing...each small chapter(1.5-2 pgs.)(vignette), is a snippet of what life is like on Mango Street for Esperanza. Tbe idea of these snippets (vignettes) is great, but they never kept my attention or painted a vivid picture for me.
It is not a continuous plot, that keeps you hanging. I'm not used to this style, so it really didnt 'grab' me.
I was hoping that throughout the book I would connect with the character or 'feel' something...I never did.
I was not impresse...more
Jan 22, 2010Dominic rated it it was amazingIt is not a continuous plot, that keeps you hanging. I'm not used to this style, so it really didnt 'grab' me.
I was hoping that throughout the book I would connect with the character or 'feel' something...I never did.
I was not impresse...more
Shelves: favorites, modern-literature, classic-literature
The House on Mango Street is deceptively simple. And considering that is used for all sorts of ends within a wide range of English literature classrooms (I, myself, have used it at the 7th and 11th grades, as well as studied it at college and grad school), it is beautifully malleable. But despite its many 'uses,' ultimately this is a book about a girl who resists oppression and finds her voice. It deserves to be not only enjoyed for its rhythm and poetry, its humor and imagery, but studied for i...more
May 27, 2008'that Guy' rated it did not like it · review of another editionRecommends it for: people who enjoy really wierd book
This was without a doubt one of the worst books I have EVER read. Now, before I go any further, I would like to say that when I read this book, I read it in Spanish. Because Spanish is not my first language, this created some difficulties understanding the material.
With that said, it was still a bad book. There was no actual plot, because this story was a biography of the author. In other words, if you swap out a few key names, it will be the story of the writer's life. In other words, the writ...more
Mar 07, 2017Paloma rated it it was amazingWith that said, it was still a bad book. There was no actual plot, because this story was a biography of the author. In other words, if you swap out a few key names, it will be the story of the writer's life. In other words, the writ...more
Shelves: owned, literatura-estadounidense, reading-challenge-2018, 2018-popsugar-challenge, reviewed-reseñados
“You can never have too much sky. You can fall asleep and wake up drunk on sky and sky can keep you safe when you are sad. Here, there is too much sadness and not enough sky. Butterflies too are few and so are flowers and more things that are beautiful. Still, we take what we can get and make the best of it.'
Review in English | Reseña en español (breve)
This book was a beautiful surprise -exquisite, delicate, hard- a quiet gem that is not there for exhibit but if one is lucky enough to find it...more
Dec 03, 2011Sarah rated it it was amazing · review of another editionReview in English | Reseña en español (breve)
This book was a beautiful surprise -exquisite, delicate, hard- a quiet gem that is not there for exhibit but if one is lucky enough to find it...more
Shelves: all-time-favorites, ya, novels, reviewed, to-understand-myself, gender-culture, class-society, coming-of-age, never-the-same, calibration
I'm not latino, but I grew up poor. I was lucky enough that my mom tried her best to keep us from being super aware of this fact. We got free lunch and sometimes she pretended she'd already eaten dinner, and our house was infested with cockroaches and didn't have enough insulation to keep warm in a Florida winter, and I could never go on any fieldtrip that cost money, but I didn't feel inferior to other people. Reading that whole list, I realize that I was independently a fairly innocent, blinde...more
Feb 10, 2018Eilonwy rated it really liked it Shelves: beautifully-written, diverse-characters, very-unusual
I've spent a long time avoiding this book because it always showed up on summer reading lists and that sort of place. Even though I know a lot of those books are perfectly good, there's something about Assigned School Reading that leaves me with a knee-jerk shudder to this day.
But then Wanda’s review made me curious about it.
This was completely different from any expectation I had. I anticipated a more linear story thread of some sort. But this book is more like a prose poem than anything else...more
Aug 02, 2009Chris Friend rated it did not like itBut then Wanda’s review made me curious about it.
This was completely different from any expectation I had. I anticipated a more linear story thread of some sort. But this book is more like a prose poem than anything else...more
Recommends it for: Social workers who need a good hard-luck case to inspire them.
Recommended to Chris by: FLVS English II, and I'll never forgive it for that.
What a horrible, wretched waste of time and paper.
If you want to feel better about yourself, knowing that you can properly use punctuation and sentence structure, read this book. You'll see that someone else who can't can still get published.
If you want to feel better about yourself, thinking of the pleasantries of the simple things in life, read this book. You'll see plenty of characters who don't have them, and you can compare yourself to them and feel vain.
If you want to feel better about you...more
If you want to feel better about yourself, knowing that you can properly use punctuation and sentence structure, read this book. You'll see that someone else who can't can still get published.
If you want to feel better about yourself, thinking of the pleasantries of the simple things in life, read this book. You'll see plenty of characters who don't have them, and you can compare yourself to them and feel vain.
If you want to feel better about you...more
Dec 11, 2016Lorna rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
The House on Mango Street has long been lauded as the classic coming of age story of Esperanza, a young Hispanic girl growing up in the Latino section of Chicago. This is the story of her neighborhood on Mango Street, a composite of many barrios in which she lived in Chicago and the many experiences she had as well as the people that brought these neighborhoods to life.
This tenth anniversary edition published in 1994 had a beautiful introduction by author Sandra Cisneros in which she relates how...more
This tenth anniversary edition published in 1994 had a beautiful introduction by author Sandra Cisneros in which she relates how...more
Mar 05, 2013Erin rated it liked it
Audiobook narrated by author, Sandra Cisneros
It appears that before today I had only read a few of the vignettes presented in this text during my public school years. First, I noticed that every teacher(including me) that does any part of this book in their ELA classroom pronounces Mango incorrectly. It's supposed to be 'Mawn-Go' not 'Mang- Go.' I wonder if my grade eight English teacher knows... Second, I had never heard Sandra Cisneros speak before, she certainly has a very youthful voice....more
Sep 10, 2015Wanda rated it really liked itIt appears that before today I had only read a few of the vignettes presented in this text during my public school years. First, I noticed that every teacher(including me) that does any part of this book in their ELA classroom pronounces Mango incorrectly. It's supposed to be 'Mawn-Go' not 'Mang- Go.' I wonder if my grade eight English teacher knows... Second, I had never heard Sandra Cisneros speak before, she certainly has a very youthful voice....more
Shelves: female-authors, 500-great-bks-by-women, young-adult, book-club, read-in-2018
I started reading The House on Mango Street without really researching anything about it. I could really tell that the author is also a poet—the beauty of the language and the descriptions was stunning. If you are looking for something plot-driven, this is not your book. But if you are willing to savour each chapter/vignette for what it is, you will enjoy this artistic little volume.
Each chapter is like a perfectly cut and polished gemstone, offering the reader a peek into the Chicago of the 195...more
Each chapter is like a perfectly cut and polished gemstone, offering the reader a peek into the Chicago of the 195...more
Apr 20, 2015TheSkepticalReader rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This book is silent perfection.
Esperanza’s story is both heartbreaking and breathtaking. Read as part of a women’s coming-of-age course, The House on Mango Street might be my favorite book so far in the course. Esperanza’s story is gripping from page one, her narrative absolutely stunning. The writing of the novel perfectly aligns itself with Esperanza’s personality—or at least, how I imagine a character such as her would write.
Unlike the other novels read for this same course, what’s more appre...more
Esperanza’s story is both heartbreaking and breathtaking. Read as part of a women’s coming-of-age course, The House on Mango Street might be my favorite book so far in the course. Esperanza’s story is gripping from page one, her narrative absolutely stunning. The writing of the novel perfectly aligns itself with Esperanza’s personality—or at least, how I imagine a character such as her would write.
Unlike the other novels read for this same course, what’s more appre...more
Jan 01, 2017Кремена Михайлова rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Точно това очакване имах – да ми е приятно както с една виетнамска книга преди време. Да чета за трудности, без да се изтормозвам. Защото:
- книгата е чистосърдечна – главната героиня с обикновени думи разказва за детството/юношеството си
- няма утежняващ концентриран сюжет, а отделни картини от живота на едно дете/семейство (всъщност цяла общност от „онази страна“- ежедневие, нрави, суеверия, ограничения; средата, годините в „тази“ страна, която също не е лесна)
- тези кратки картини отлично показ...more
Apr 03, 2015Mari rated it it was amazing
I talk about this book in my April reading wrap-up.
Here is a book that I've been meaning to read for forever and did not disappoint. I can see where others may have struggled with this story (the lack of punctuation, the 'novel' told in vignettes, the lack of real plot, etc) but I loved Esperanza's story and her voice and the way Cisneros weaves poetry into the things she writes. I also found myself relating to a lot of the feels Esperanza expressed, from her name to her desire to have her own h...more
Shelves: book-about-people-with-color, book-by-author-of-color, book-for-everyone, cant-make-up-my-mind, collection-of-stories, could-be-much-better, fiction, it-was-al-right, neither-here-nor-there, nice-characters-but-could-be-better
It says a lot about a book when your favorite part is the author's foreword and I'm not kidding when I say the effort put into those few pages before the actual book starts was more obvious than that given to the stories.
While I appreciate a hearty story about any culture, I can never connect to a plot if it's too jumbled up.
The House on Mango Street is a classic (or so I have heard), based on a teenager living in Mango Street. Her adventures, her dialogue exchange with eccentric characters l...more
While I appreciate a hearty story about any culture, I can never connect to a plot if it's too jumbled up.
The House on Mango Street is a classic (or so I have heard), based on a teenager living in Mango Street. Her adventures, her dialogue exchange with eccentric characters l...more
Jul 07, 2014Xueting rated it really liked it
'Only a house as quiet as snow, a space for myself to go, clean as paper before the poem.'
This series of vignettes revolving around the community of Mango Street fills up with lines as lyrical and colorful as this quote. Characterization and setting go hand in hand here, both so powerful. Some make me laugh, like 'A rice sandwich' and 'Hips'. I love 'four Skinny Trees' for Esperanza's enchanting spirit. Occasionally, one confuses me and seems disjointed. Many of them tackle abusive relationships...more
This series of vignettes revolving around the community of Mango Street fills up with lines as lyrical and colorful as this quote. Characterization and setting go hand in hand here, both so powerful. Some make me laugh, like 'A rice sandwich' and 'Hips'. I love 'four Skinny Trees' for Esperanza's enchanting spirit. Occasionally, one confuses me and seems disjointed. Many of them tackle abusive relationships...more
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Sandra Cisneros was born in Chicago in 1954. Internationally acclaimed for her poetry and fiction, she has been the recipient of numerous awards, including the Lannan Literary Award and the American Book Award, and of fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the MacArthur Foundation. Cisneros is the author of two novels The House on Mango Street and Caramelo; a collection of short...more
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“Моя собствена къща
Не квартира. Не задна стая. Не мъжка къща. Не бащина. Къща само моя. С моя собствена веранда и възглавница, мои красиви пурпурни петунии. Мои книги и разкази. Моите две обувки до леглото. Да няма към кого да махам с пръчка. Да няма на кого да чистя.
Само къща, тиха като сняг, място, където да отивам, чисто като лист преди стихотворение.” — 4 likes
Не квартира. Не задна стая. Не мъжка къща. Не бащина. Къща само моя. С моя собствена веранда и възглавница, мои красиви пурпурни петунии. Мои книги и разкази. Моите две обувки до леглото. Да няма към кого да махам с пръчка. Да няма на кого да чистя.
Само къща, тиха като сняг, място, където да отивам, чисто като лист преди стихотворение.”